It keeps out late students and early teachers

My vice principal’s latest project at my school is the building of a fence around the school grounds. I wasn’t aware this was going to happen, so, like most projects here, I was made aware it was happening when it started happening.

This week they added the wooden gate that blocks the front pathway onto the grounds. As a school with a student body that has a history of being late for class, the flag ceremony and mandatory club meetings, we were a school that needed a fence. It is the job of the student leaders to open the fence at the end of each class, and then close it again when it is time for the next class to begin in order to put a physical barrier between stragglers and the class in which they are supposed to be.

There is no way to open the gate besides manually. So, once it’s closed, it stays pretty much stays closed. Unless you’re a teacher who has arrived on her bike an hour early for class in order to report student grades. Then, your bike ride as suddenly become slightly fenced out.